Curtis has worked with Ohio State University Extension since June 1992 and has been an Educator in Van Wert County since April 2011. As an entomologist, he works in numerous areas including agriculture, horticulture and landscape maintenance. He teaches on a diversity of subjects such as basic entomology, plant biology, field identification of the macro-fungi, and plant pathology to Master Gardener Volunteer Trainees, Plant and Pest Diagnostics, commercial and private pesticide applicator license recertification training, and Forensic Entomology. He also conducts field research and survey work in the area of agronomic crop production systems. Below is his brief Curriculum Vita:
June 1991: Doctor of Philosophy Entomology, The Ohio State University, Columbus
March 1985: Master of Science Entomology, The Ohio State University, Columbus
June 1981: Bachelor of Science Biology, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro
Professional Experience:
2017-Present: Associate Professor, Department of Extension, College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University, OSUE County Operations, Van Wert.
2011-2016: Assistant Professor, Department of Extension, College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University, OSUE County Operations, Van Wert.
2010-2011: 0.5 FTE Extension Educator 4, Department of Extension, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University, OSUE County Operations, Troy.
2009-2010: 0.5 FTE OSU Extension Educator 4, Department of Extension, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University, OSUE County Operations, Findlay.
2009-2011: 0.5 FTE Lecturer of Biology and Coordinator of Educational Development of Natural Area of Campus, The Ohio State University, Lima Campus, Biological Sciences, Biology, Lima.
2007-2009: OSU Extension Educator 4, Department of Extension, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University, OSUE County Operations, Lima.
2003-2007: OSU Extension Educator 3, Department of Extension, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University, OSUE County Operations, Lima.
2003: OSU Extension Educator 2, Department of Extension, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University, OSUE County Operations, Lima.
2000-2002: OSU Extension Agent 2, Integrated Pest Management Landscape, Nursery and Turfgrass Specialist, Department of Extension, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University, OSUE District Operations, Findlay.
1996-1999: OSU Extension Agent 2, Integrated Pest Management Agriculture Specialist, Department of Extension, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University, OSUE District Operations, Findlay
1992-1996: Extension Associate, Integrated Pest Agriculture, Department of Extension, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University, OSUE District Operations, Findlay.
1992: Instructor, Lima Technical College, Health Sciences. Lima
1989: Interim Ornamental Plant Extension Entomologist, The Ohio State University, College of Biological Sciences, Columbus.
1988-1992: Instructor, Ohio Northern University, College of Arts and Sciences, Biological Sciences, Ada.
Select Grants and Research Awards:
5/2019-9/2019. Summer Agricultural Internship Support. The Van Wert County Foundation. ($5,000) PI: Young, CE
5/2018-9/2018. Summer Agricultural Internship Support. The Van Wert County Foundation. ($5,000) PI: Young, CE
5/2017-9/2017. Summer Agricultural Internship Support. The Van Wert County Foundation. ($5,000) PI: Young, CE
5/2016-9/2016. Summer Agricultural Internship Support. The Van Wert County Foundation. ($5,000) PI: Young, CE
2/2016-10/2016. Support for Agricultural Research, Surveys and Educational Programming. The Van Wert County Foundation. ($9,500) PI: Young, CE
5/2015-9/2015. Summer Agricultural Internship. The Van Wert County Foundation. ($5,000) PI: Young, CE
2/2015-10/2015. Support for Agricultural Research Activities in Van Wert County. The Van Wert County Foundation. ($9,500) PI: Young, CE
4/2014-10/2014. Support for Editorship of the Buckeye Yard and Garden Line (BYGL) Newsletter. OSU Extension, Nursery, and Landscape Team. ($2,000) PI: Young, CE
5/2014-10/2014. Agricultural Summer Intern. The Van Wert County Foundation. ($5,000) PI: Young, CE
2/2014-10/2014. Continuation of Educational and Research Based Agricultural Programing. The Van Wert County Foundation. ($9,500) PI: Young, CE
Select Professional Service and Extension:
2021-Present: University Senate Committee on Graduate Student Compensation and Benefits, Columbus, Ohio
2005-Present: Ohio Joint Council of Extension Professionals JCEP, Professional Development Committee (Chair-Elect & Chair) and Membership Recruitment & Retention Committee, Columbus, Ohio
2005-Present: National Association of County Agriculture Agents (NACAA), Program Recognition Council, 4-H & Youth Development State Committee (Chair), Agronomy & Pest Management Committee (Vice-Chair and Chair) and State Vice-president, President & Past-president, Columbus, Ohio
2003-2013: Epsilon Sigma Phi Alpha Eta Ohio Chapter, Executive Board, West Region Representative, Columbus, Ohio
2009-Present: Pesticide Safety Education Program Advisory Committee (Resource Member for Fumigation), Columbus, Ohio
Membership in Scientific and Professional Organizations:
2005-Present: National Association of County Agriculture Agents (NACAA)
2005-Present: Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP)
2003-Present: American Soybean Association (ASA)
2005-Present: Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP)
2011- Present: Michigan Entomological Society
2011-Present: The Ohio Academy of Science
2014-Presnet: American Phytopathological Society (APS)
2016-Present: Certified Crop Adviser
Selected Awards and Honors:
2021 Communications Award: Website – Ohio First Place for The Buckeye Environmental Horticulture Team, The National Association of County Agricultural Agents
2021 Communications Award: Website – Ohio Second Place for Ag Madness, The National Association of County Agricultural Agents
2016, Certificate of Recognition - OutStanding U!, College of Food, Agriculture and Environment Sciences Staff Advisory Council, The Ohio State University
2015, Excellence in Extension Award, American Society of Agronomy, American Society of Agronomy
2015, Finalist Ohio NACAA Distinguished Service Award, Ohio Chapter of the National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Ohio State University Extension
2014, 2014 No-Till Innovators Research and Education Service Award: Organization, National No-till Conference to Conservation Tillage Conference (CTC), No-till Farmer Magazine
2014, 8-B Bulletins and Monographs - 1st Place, Epsilon Sigma Phi Alpha Eta Chapter/ Ohio JCEP, Ohio State University Extension
2014, Finalist Ohio NACAA Distinguished Service Award, Ohio Chapter of the National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Ohio State University Extension
2013, Gold Award for Technical Publications for Midwest Cover Crops Field Guide, Association of Communications Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences
Selected Peer-Reviewed and Editor-Reviewed Publications:
Riofrio, M, “Growing Rhubarb in the Home Garden”. (2021) Revised by Lyon, E. and Young, CE.
Young, CE, "Is It Pine, Spruce, or Fir?". (2019)
Young, CE, "Putting Pesticides into Perspective: Demonstrations for Educating Extension Clientele". The Journal of Extension, Vol. 55, Issue 1, Article 4. (2017)
Young, CE, Draper, EA, and Chatfield, JA, "Crabapple (Malus spp. and cultivars) evaluations for resistance to apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) infections at Secrest Arboretum in Wooster, Ohio, 2012-2013", Plant Disease Management Reports. (2016) Plant Disease Management Reports, Vol. 10:PF034
Young, CE, Draper, EA, and Chatfield, JA, "Crabapple evaluations for resistance to apple scab infections at Secrest Arboretum in 2014-2015." (2016) Plant Disease Management Reports, Vol. 10:PF033
Young, CE, "European Elm Flea Weevil". (2016)
Young, CE, "Viburnum Leaf Beetle". (2016)
Fisher, B, Gerber, C, Johnson, K, Kladivko, E, Nice, G, Robison, D, Kaspar, T, Ackroyd, V, Baas, D, Bird, G, Brainard, D, Goldy, R, Harrigan, T, Hausbeck, M, Mutch, D, Ngouajio, M, Renner, K, Sprague, C, Taylor, E, Hoorman, J, Islam, KR, Noggle, S, Reeder, R, Sundermeier, A, Young, C, et al., "Midwest Cover Crops Field Guide (Revised)". 2nd ed. (2014)
Hogan, M, Chatfield, J, Marrison, D, Mathers, H, Boggs, J, Smith, K, Titchenell, M, Apsley, D, Shetlar, D, and Young, CE, "Ohio Christmas Tree Producers Manual". Columbus: The Ohio State University. (2014)
Hoorman, JJ, Clevenger, WB, Young, CE, Prochaska, SP and McCutcheon, JS, "A Farmer Survey of Phosphorus Issues". Journal of the NACAA. Vol. 6, no. 2: 1. (2013)
Fisher, B, Gerber, C, Johnson, K, Kladivko, E, Nice, G, Robison, D, Kaspar, T, Ackroyd, V, Baas, D, Bird, G, Brainard, D, Goldy, R, Harrigan, T, Hausbeck, M, Mutch, D, Ngouajio, M, Renner, K, Sprague, C, Taylor, E, Hoorman, J, Islam, KR, Perosino, J, Reeder, R, Sundermeier, A,Young, C, et al., "North Central Region Cover Crops Pocket Guide". (2012)